Trump Demands Vote Tomorrow And Plans To Blame Democrats
I’ll have more on this tomorrow, but apparently Trump is demanding an up-or-down vote on Trumpcare tomorrow and right now it looks like the result will be down. More importantly, House Republicans emerged from a meeting with their entire caucus tonight and began to stress the need for Democrats to step up and help come up with a bipartisan solution for the failures of Obamacare.
The plan seems to be to go ahead with the vote tomorrow, have it fail, and then try to blame Democrats going forward. Republicans will blame Democrats for their total intransigence on this vote, causing it to fail. Tom Price will do his best to screw up the exchanges for 2018 via regulation and any resulting rate increases or further losses in exchange coverage will be blamed on the Democrats. Perhaps they will take health care up again next year and try to once again run on repeal and replace. Democrats has better be prepared to push back on this ridiculous blame game. In the meantime, Republicans will move on to tax cuts, I mean reform, and the rest of their horrid agenda.