GOP Senator Actually Gets On Trump Train Wreck
The cowardice of Republican elected officials in the face of the atrocities of the Trump campaign is simply astounding. On a day when the co-chair of Trump’s veterans coalition “clarifies’ his remarks, saying that Hillary Clinton should not be assassinated but instead shot by firing squad for treason, Republican Senator Cory Gardner of Colorado has endorsed Donald Trump. Gardner said, “A Republican president will make a difference, even a Republican president named Donald Trump.” Well I guess no one can argue with that statement, although I’m not sure the kind of difference Trump will make is what Gardner or America needs. What’s incredible about this endorsement is that Gardner is not up for re-election until 2020, so a courageous stand against Trump today probably would not hurt him four years from now when running for re-election, especially in a state whose demographics are changing dramatically. It really does show the depths to which the Republican party has sunk. And let’s hope Colorado Democrats never let Gardner forget his incredible cowardice.